Many people are desperate to start a business in Turkey, (because it is just developing that's why it is full of oppurtunuties for dynamic entrepeneurs, these oppurtunuties are less available in developed countries, as we all know) and at the end of the first season most of them are very disappointed.
The reason is they don't have the correct information before starting, therefore run into difficulties with contacts and the Turkish taxation system.
If you are considering starting a business it is better to find something that is not already available, as so many businesses here are similar and therefore all in competition.
Some businesses in order to lease their premises, will give the impression they are busy by selling at a loss, in this case if you take it on you are unlikely to sustain the business. If starting a business it is better to have a lot of capital and be prepared to take a few years building the business up. But background knowledge is always advisable, gain information and contacts through travel agents and other local business owners and workers.
Not only for business places but also residential properties or investing money always take time and get the correct legal advice . All this information is freely available on our web-site. You are more than welcome to contact us for any advice.
Business and marketing should always be fair so it is sensible to have proper advice beofre taking any action.