ADVICE FOR YOU!  When travelling to Turkey it is always advisable to bring your own currency and change into local currency here, as you will get a better exchange rate. You could save anything up to 12% in commission charges, for example if you use travellers cheques you will be charged commission when  you purchase them and also charged commission to exchange them, if using credit or debit cards you will also have a charge for using them abroad and also get a lower exchange rate from the bank. For instance when the local exchange rate was 2,438 lira to the pound sterling the banks rate was 2,186.

     Of course carrying cash it is always important to keep it safe whilst travelling and also obtain a safety deposit box at your destination, where you should also keep all travel documents and passports. Any further information can be obtained from Kiss Call Shop in the resort of Side.

       Money : The national monetary unit is Turkish lira which has coins and bank notes. Each banknote is a different color.

      Credit Cards : The most common credit cards VISA, American Express, Mastercard, Diners-Club accepted in most places. You can withdraw cash from bank's ATM which have instructions in Turkish and in English.

       Banks : Banks are open 8:30 -12:30 and13:30-17:00 on Monday to Friday. The big retail banks all have ATM's. Bank exchange foreign currency and travellers cheques

      Exchange : Banks are open 8:30 -12:30 and 13:30-17:00 on Monday to Friday. You can exchange money at your hotel, at the bank, at the PTT, at the change offices you can find all over.